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- on ?by ?in ?at ? a car (15點喔)
1. Nancy goes to school ----- car. A. on B.by C.in D.at 答案是B. by.... 如果要選 C.的MRT / subway / bicycle/ motorcycle / plane) (2) in a ______ (car / taxi) 3. (1) take a/an ________ to 地方(train / bus
'http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1205072401420' - 轉向系統是誰發明的?
轉向系統是由阿克曼發明, http://www.tyai.tyc.edu.tw/am/mtkao/file/car/c/car-c12.pdf 這裡面有詳細的敘述
'http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1509051903739' - 新社一日遊的問題
http://taichung-changhua-nantou.kijiji.com.tw/c-Services-car-rental-pick-up-moter-rental-other--W0QQAdIdZ4398589 http://taichung-changhua-nantou.kijiji.com.tw
'http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1007111409843' - 誰可以幫我翻譯(英翻中) ;在美國.....
和裝飾他們自己的房子 幾乎是每個家庭都會有(B)聖誕樹 (A)TV (B)tree (C)car (D)cake . The evening 傍晚時 (A)on (B)of (C)after (D)before之前 <<<答案
'http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1607100303656' - R/C car controlled by computer - NI Discussion Forums
Dear all, My name is Panayiotis and I'm studying Electrical Engineer at University of Cyprus. My major project is to build an R/C car ...
'http://forums.ni.com/t5/Academic-Hardware-Products-NI/R-C-car-controlled-by-computer/td-p/1308172' - (4)英文文法選擇題一題,二十點加五個燈恭敬奉上
能載我們去車站。 B: He has ___to take us all.(A) too small a car (B) a too small car (C) a car too small (D) a small car too 他的車太小,(以致於)無法載我們所有人
'http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1609053101421' - 凯立德3维C-Car标准版主程序C1607-C6301显示实时路况补充- i8000 论坛 ...
在广州。深圳。上海。北京,几个地方使用凯立德3维C-Car标准版主程序C1607-C6301能显示实时路况功能,现时还是免费的,可用到12月,不用激活。 ...
'http://samsungbbs.cnmo.com/thread-175331-1-1.html' - 飞利浦mips架构凯立德C-CAR实景主程序C1048-C7008已O版_迈腾论坛_XCAR ...
'http://www.xcar.com.cn/bbs/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=250773221&ptid=11638013' - 凯立德C-CAR-凯立德800*480高清版导航地图-凯立德3D实景导航地图最新版 ...
2、凯立德C-CAR主程序加地图二合一,网速快的下这个一体的 ... 3、为方便大家,做了凯立德C-CAR C0919-C7011(800x480 com1~6-4800 com1~6 9600)OEM ...
'http://bbs.gpsbao.com/read.php?tid-35011.html' - 我要英文A~Z的單字+插圖(急)!今天要
A a Apple B b Banana C c Car D d Dog E e Egg F f Fish G g Grape H h House I i Ice-Cream J j Jaguar K k King
C CarC Car